Code Green Solutions

This week 53 State Street, a 40-story office tower in Boston, MA, became only the third building to maintain its LEED certification through the LEED Dynamic Plaque, and the very first to do so at the Platinum level. The LEED Dynamic Plaque is USGBC’s cutting edge building performance scoring platform and measures performance across five categories including energy, water, waste, transportation, and human experience.
53 State previously earned a LEED EB Gold certification in 2010, and has been awarded Energy Star Office certification six times since 2008.
This was a particularly good week for 53 State on the sustainability front. In addition to maintaining LEED certification, the building is also part of the UBS Trumbull Property Fund, which on Wednesday was named a “Green Star” as part of the GRESB 2015 Global Report. The GRESB Report is an annual assessment which benchmarks the sustainability performance of institutional real estate investors around the world. This year 707 property companies and funds participated in the survey, with the highest rated participants designated as ‘Green Stars.’
For more information visit 53 State’s GBIG Building Page and read GRESB’s Innovation Case Study about the project.