Code Green Solutions
Where does leadership towards a clean energy future begin? Deb McNamara at the NW Earth Institute believes change begins with each and every one of us taking just one action during Campus Sustainability Month – and harnessing the impact that these actions yield when multiplied by the power of the EcoChallenge network.
Offering student leaders the opportunity to form campus teams and network with other students across the US, EcoChallenge provides a forum to share the commitments we each want to take – encourage others to do the same – and multiply our impact towards a #CleanEnergyU future!
Sounds simple? Read Deb’s post below on how to get started…
And engage with Deb during the #CleanEnergyU tweetathon at 3:00 ET / 12:00 PT on October 21 to learn more about multiplying your leadership impact.
And join Sierra Club #SeizetheGrid students for a #CleanEnergyU Deep Dive Dialogue this Wednesday, Oct 14 at 3:00 ET / 12:00 PT to explore how they have amplified their call for 100% renewable energy by collaborating across their campuses.
How Can You Effectively Lead Change? Take Action and Invite Others to Join You!
By Deb McNamara
We at the Northwest Earth Institute know change can be tough, and sometimes it takes a kick-start to make it happen. Chances are there’s already something on your “to-do” list for the planet, especially in light of Campus Sustainability Month and the #CleanEnergyU dialogue this month. Whether it’s lowering your carbon footprint, advancing clean energy dialogues, promoting a clean energy future, installing rain barrels, getting a bus pass or kicking your bottled water habit, NW Earth Institute’s EcoChallenge is your opportunity to choose one action right now to reduce your impact and stick with it for two weeks. Instead of struggling to change on your own, the EcoChallenge has a built-in support network, fun and easy ways to share your stories online (and find out what others are up to), and a chance to win some great raffle prizes.
As the #CleanEnergyU core questions prompt us, how can campuses best lead their communities toward a clean energy future? And, how can you most effectively lead change? One answer is to lead by participating in this year’s EcoChallenge (happening October 15th-29th). The online event challenges you and your friends and colleagues to choose one action to reduce your impact and stick with it for two weeks. Individuals and teams pick an action and set a goal that stretches your comfort zone. You can create a team at work or on your campus, and invite others to participate with you. You can also join the #CleanEnergyU EcoChallenge team at:
What kinds of actions do people choose? Joanne Gross is going to use only human-powered transportation during the 15-day EcoChallange. “I try to live a simple, low-carbon lifestyle, but my biggest challenge is not jumping in the car daily to run errands… Going car-free for two weeks will help me be more mindful of my automobile use and help me figure out how to make daily human-powered transportation more practical.” Barb Syska, from the Lewis-Clark State College EcoChallenge Team is harvesting gray water. Tammy Van, a SustainableU EcoChallenger, is focusing on natural building and will “complete work on one small Cob Cottage and share with as many people as I possibly can the education of other sustainable choices in building and living in their own homes.”
How can you effectively lead change? Start by taking action in your own life and invite others to join you! Lucky for you, we’ve got the perfect place for you to start! Register and learn more at Join us in proving that small actions do indeed add up to big change – and, change does indeed begin with you!
So join the #CleanEnergyU dialogue with our Tweetathon which brings together students and clean energy leaders on Oct 20-21, 12-4 ET, 9-1 PT to share your questions, passions and ideas!