GBIG Update: LEED Canada, Location Based Data, and AIRE

Sean McMahon
GBIG now organizes projects by climate zone, urban rural classification, MSA and more...

We’ve been busy! This month GBIG added data on Arlington, Virginia’s county wide initiative to reduce carbon emissions from municipal buildings, updated LEED Canada projects, and began organizing all of our green building projects around common location based attributes such as Climate Zone, and Metropolitan Statistical Area.

AIRE: Arlington Initiative to Rethink Energy: The goal of the Arlington Initiative to Rethink Energy is the reduction of carbon emissions in Arlington County, VA. There are currently 63 activities in GBIG, which provide access to AIRE building energy scorecards. These scorecards disclose building energy data including yearly site and source, energy use intensity, annual electric and gas usage, Energy Star ratings and total carbon emissions. For example, see Court Square West.

LEED Canada updates: LEED Canada data was updated and GBIG now includes information on 3782 LEED Canada projects.

Location-Based Data: All projects are now tagged with several location based attributes, including:

These attributes can be found in the Activity Details table on the right hand side of each activity page, for example check out the Prairiewoods Spirituality Center. Collections of projects that fall within each category (zone, region, classification, etc) are found in the Collections section.

Sean McMahon
USGBC Research Project Manager, GBIG Content Manager