Code Green Solutions

I am excited to make an important announcement: GBIG has entered into a strategic partnership with the Green Building Council of Australia.
This partnership means that GBCA’s Green Star-certified projects will now appear in GBIG with the highest level of branding and information quality – a level previously provided only for LEED projects. This will make it easier for GBIG users to discover and learn more about these high-performing green buildings. In the future, we expect to also share award winners, case studies, and more from across Australia.
GBIG’s partnership with GBCA goes beyond the exchange of project data. GBCA members can now join USGBC members in receiving access to GBIG features that allow them to:
These features allow GBCA members to showcase their contributions to green buildings across Australia and around the world. Members can share groups or collections of buildings of particular interest or that have used their products or services. Members can also use the ’tracking‘ feature to follow buildings and places and receive regular updates on new certifications, awards, case studies, disclosures, and other green building activities. Together, these new tools make it possible for GBCA members to raise the profile of their work even further and stay up-to-date on the latest green building trends.
GBIG is available to anyone interested in learning more about green building projects, buildings, and places around the world. Today, GBIG includes over 1.3 million activities representing more than 200 types of certifications, awards, case studies, and disclosures in nearly 5,000 geographic locations. Professionals can use this information to understand markets and drive projects toward higher levels of achievement and performance.
This partnership is a milestone for GBIG that is only possible with support from GBCA leadership. I’d like to personally thank Romilly Madew, Jorge Chapa, and Robert Milagre for their contributions to this effort. I am grateful for their vision, patience, and technical insights.
Enjoy the new content and features.