Code Green Solutions

GBIG Insight was launched, in large part, to offer an inclusive forum where leading voices can share their research, analysis, and commentary on critical issues in green building. Throughout the past year we heard from Green Building Council Australia on their incredible efforts to promote sustainability in Australia; we learned from 2030 District leaders about local efforts to advance energy and water efficiency in commercial buildings; we discussed the mounting evidence that sustainability can improve your bottom line; we lauded the emergence of green property bonds; and we learned about cool buildings in places as far away as Sydney, Tel Aviv, and China.
Assuming you didn’t manage to read everything we published this year, we decided to put together a wrap-up highlighting a few of our favorite posts from 2015. Enjoy.
Biomimicry: 3 Ways that Nature’s R&D Can Improve your Bottom Line
By Chris Wedding
Fit for a Princess: Next-Generation Personal Controls Deliver Whole-Building Energy Savings and ‘Precision IEQ’
By Edward Bogucz
Why Bother with Certification? LEED Certified Apartments Earn Higher Rents
By Avis Devine
Institutional Investors Increasingly Demand High Performance Buildings
By Dan Winters
Representation of Health in LEED
By Kelly Worden
Resilience: Surviving and Thriving in the Face of Change
By Heather Joy Rosenberg
How Can LEED Help the World Achieve the New Sustainable Development Goals
By Josh Gellers
2030 Districts as a Movement
By Joyce Lee
Is Solar Really Cheaper than Fossil Fuels?
By Christopher Clement
The Secrets to Building Places for People
By Robert Milagre