What is GBIG?

GBIG Staff

The Green Building Information Gateway is a global platform to celebrate the organizations, brands, and people contributing to green buildings around the world.

GBIG works by:

  • Integrating hundreds of data sources, including green building certifications, public disclosures, awards, and other activities into a single platform.
  • Providing tools to link organizations, people, products, and services with green building outcomes and performance;
  • Partnering with leading organizations to provide unique business intelligence for projects, buildings, portfolios, and markets.

Today, USGBC members, LEED-APs, and partners can access GBIG as a member benefit. This allows them to:

  • Create professional profiles
  • Highlight work on high performing projects and buildings
  • Share custom project collections, such as examples of their products and services.
  • Track buildings and places over time

Later this year, GBIG users will enjoy powerful new tools to communicate the accomplishments of organizations and brands. GBIG will partner with leading organizations to create useful new ways to analyze and compare individual green building projects, whole buildings, portfolios, and entire markets.

Explore www.gbig.org             Read insight.gbig.org

GBIG Staff
USGBC research program staff, creators of the Green Building Information Gateway